Short biography

Born in Canada, I moved to Israel when I was twenty. I have an MA in English Literature from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. My first years in Israel I lived on a kibbutz until I discovered that I was hopeless when it came to agriculture and left kibbutz for Jerusalem where I have lived since (with short breaks in California and Italy) with my family. My stories feature strong female characters who are told that they can’t, and then set out to prove otherwise. Writing is my way to understand and make some sense of the chaotic world that I live in. For ten years I was the SCBWI representative in Israel helping writers and illustrators hone their craft and break into the publishing world.
Q. I see you're coming out with TWO new books this year, both set in Israel. Why is that?
A. Because having lived here for as long as I have, you could say the country is a big character in the script of my life. From my picture book on archeology, JODIE'S HANUKKAH DIG to my young adult novel FREEFALL which is about a girl joining the Israeli army, I am fascinated with the history, the cultural, the people and...the conflicts.
Q. Yes, I heard about FREEFALL. Are girls really drafted into the army in Israel?
A. Army service is part of life here and all eighteen-year-olds are called up to serve, male and female. Though most do military service, some choose to do National Service, volunteering in development towns, hospitals and schools. Those of you who are interested in knowing more about the Israeli army, or just what it's like to be 18 and living in Israel can check out my new website at You will be able to read live interviews with soldiers and hear what they think.