Poems and short stories for young readers
Coming soon from PJ Ourway....an unforgettable subterranean adventure into old/new worlds.
The Wednesday Club
Winner of the SCBWI 2006 Magazine Merit Honor Award
Saxophone Summer
The inspiration? A Thursday evening jazz concert near the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.
Ninth Inning
Where do you get your ideas?
I was totally jet lagged having spent two weeks in San Diego, California critiquing manuscripts with my old writer's group, Beth Wagner Brust and John H. Ritter. John was working on one of his baseball themed books. Check out my writer friends: http://www.rdgwtg.com/brust/welcome.html and www.johnhritter.com
I was totally jet lagged having spent two weeks in San Diego, California critiquing manuscripts with my old writer's group, Beth Wagner Brust and John H. Ritter. John was working on one of his baseball themed books. Check out my writer friends: http://www.rdgwtg.com/brust/welcome.html and www.johnhritter.com
Take A Bow
Insipiration? The Jerusalem Academy of Music and Dance. Daniella's relationship with her cello inspired this poem
Come June
This time a classical concert in Jeruaslem. Listening to music, I see words.